Mastering RabbitMQ with Spring Boot: Setting Up Beans and Implementing Dead Letter Queues (Part 2)

Mastering RabbitMQ with Spring Boot: Setting Up Beans and Implementing Dead Letter Queues (Part 2)

Welcome in the second blog post in my short series about RabbitMQ and Spring Boot using AMQP starter. If you missed the first one you can find it here. This time I will cover a few more topics that could be also interesting for each developer implementing a solution based on this stack. I’ll begin with creating the configuration class for queues and exchanges using built-in beans, then an introduction of the dead letter queue – quite an important thing in production environments.

Whole project can be found on my GitHub –

List of contents

  1. RabbitMQ configuration using beans
  2. Dead letter queue in RabbitMQ
  3. Summary

RabbitMQ configuration using beans

In the last post, I mentioned that usually at production environment RabbitMQ configuration is being done by devops or admins. But for learning purposes, or using Testcontainers it could save a lot of time. Of course, this configuration also can be done with Dockerfile and Docker Compose, if you’re interested check this post, but it’s creating some overhead and for this simple project we don’t need this.

Creating RabbitMQ queue in Spring Boot:

Creating RabbitMQ exchange in Spring Boot:

Creating RabbitMQ bindings in Spring Boot:

Fanout bindings:
Topic bindings:
Fanout bindings:
Header bindings

Dead letter queue in RabbitMQ and Spring Boot

Basically, in RabbitMQ, a dead letter queue is the queue that stores messages that cannot be routed to their destination. These could be messages that have been rejected due to syntax errors, or messages that a consumer has failed to process after a number of predetermined attempts. Instead of trashing these messages, RabbitMQ can be configured to store these undeliverable messages in a dead letter exchange onto a dead letter queue for later inspection or reprocessing.

In Spring Boot, to configure a dead letter queue, you can set up your queue by designating a dead letter exchange and a routing key. Here is the example of how to create a queue with a dead letter exchange:

By throwing an AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException, the message is not requeued and is instead routed to the dead letter queue defined earlier.


In this post, we have seen how to configure RabbitMQ by using Spring Boot’s AMQP starter, creating queues, exchanges, and performing bindings with Spring beans. We have also seen why dead letter queues are important in a production environment, and how to configure a dead letter queue to handle undeliverable messages. This setup is important for robust, fault-tolerant messaging systems, where the developer can look and reprocess those messages that could not be delivered the first time. You can have a look at the code from my GitHub for a complete view of the project.