Initial commit: about this blog


Welcome to a new tech place on the web! You will find here some nice things from the programming world, at most around backend with Java and frontend. 

Currently I’m working as a backend developer and in my free time I’m taking some courses (most with the great teacher Krzysztof Makowski, owner of the KM Programs). I’ve opened this blog to improve my learning process, English skills and to share new knowledge with the wider public.

What will you find here ?

I will share with you some interesting posts about modern java and javascript programming. At the beginning it will be mostly Java, but in the future I will extend with frontend topics.

The scope will be from small tips and ideas to whole sample projects, at this point of time I don’t really know in which direction the blog idea will evaluate. 

Unfortunately my time resources are extremely limited, and I can’t promise you often publications. But I can promise you good quality and some interesting programming solutions.

If you are a complete beginner in the programming world, this blog is not for you. I won’t explain the basics, there are a lot of great tutorials on the web. But if you intermediate in the core of the languages and know the basics of the popular frameworks you can easily improve your skills with me !

What can you expect next ?

Actually in my learning process I’m discovering the fascinating world of webflux, microservices and message brokers. And some topics in these areas will be touched in my next posts.

I hope that you will find a lot of interesting technical inspirations here. Feel free to give me feedback and ask questions in the comments !

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