Comprehensive Guide to Spring Modulith

The most challenging thing in today’s rapid landscape of software development is adaptability and evolution. While the applications grow in their degree of complexity, the monolithic architecture often becomes a bottleneck on innovation and slows down the development cycles. It is here that modularity will come into play and act as a powerful solution for the challenges. Enter Spring Modulith: a framework that enables developers to create applications in a truly modular manner. By encouraging a clear separation of concerns, Spring Modulith makes maintenance and updates easier, as well as increasing the ability of large development teams to work in true collaboration. Imagine being able to have different teams working on different modules in parallel, reducing friction and speeding up delivery times. In this blog post, we are going to look at some core […]

Mastering RabbitMQ with Spring Boot (Part 1)

After long break I’m back with some new interesting topic for you. I decided to bring my blog back to life with regular posting. Hopefully time allows me to do it more often than one time a year 🙂 In my new small serie of two blog posts I will introduce you RabbitMQ, one of two most popular message brokers. […]

Unit testing in Spring Webflux using StepVerifier and Mockito

In the last post I showed you how to build simple reactive web application with Spring Webflux and MongoDB from scratch. You can find it here – LINK.  But one important element is missing in this app – the tests. If you want to build high quality app, you can’t avoid them. Today I will show you how to write […]

Simple reactive REST API with Spring Webflux and MongoDB using Domain Driven Design

In the last time I’m taking course of reactive programming with Webflux. It’s great technology, that will be winning on popularity in the future. Why ? Because is much faster than classic (thread-per-request) approach.Today I will present you simple apllication which shows basics of Webflux, reactive MongoDB, Domain Driven Design. In the future blog posts I will deep deeper in […]

Initial commit: about this blog

Hello! Welcome to a new tech place on the web! You will find here some nice things from the programming world, at most around backend with Java and frontend.  Currently I’m working as a backend developer and in my free time I’m taking some courses (most with the great teacher Krzysztof Makowski, owner of the KM Programs). I’ve opened this […]